Stop Praising Me for Being Skinny

I’ve gotten more compliments over weight loss than anything else I’ve ever done in my life. Never mind the times in my life that I’ve done things of substantive value.  Forget about graduating from college, getting promoted to a director at my job or donating my time to worthy causes.  Losing weight has garnered the…

How a Broken, Desperate Alcoholic Can Change the World

When I was a little girl I wanted to change the world.  I wanted to make the world a better place.  I dreamed of getting a job for Make a Wish Foundation or something life-changing like that, helping sick children while also making a fair amount of money.  I thought that in order to do…

Get An Extra Hour Each Day

What would you do if you had an extra hour each day to spend however you wanted? Last week, our family was gathered around the kitchen table eating dinner whining about having to eat dinner when I read our question of the day from “101 Conversation Starters for Families,” a book we like to read…

You Never Listen to Me!

Have you ever found yourself giving advice to a loved one, only to end up disappointed and frustrated because they didn’t listen to you?  Maybe you’ve tried telling your best friend to quit that awful job already.  “Can’t you see that it’s making you miserable?  You’ll be so much better off once you resign!”  Or…

The Real Reason Many of Us Don’t Feel Accepted

If I’ve spent my life trying to be accepted, why have I never felt accepted?  As it turns out, it appears as if I’ve been making a giant mistake.  I’m willing to bet that most people seeking acceptance have made the very same mistake at one time or another. My fatal flaw is this:  I…