Thank You Failure, Heartbreak and Pain

When we think of gratitude we often gravitate toward giving thanks to the people and things that have made our lives better – usually the people that have shown us kindness, or the things that have helped paved the way to our success.  It’s often the shiny, happy things that we express gratitude for.  But…

You Get to Keep the Love

Do you ever fantasize about running into an ex and showing him or her how much happier, sexier, smarter and altogether amazing you are now?  I think a lot of us have revenge fantasies where we get to prove to someone from our past how much better our life is now that they’re not in…

It’s Always Flu Season – And You’re Always Contagious

Hey, did you hear?  It’s flu season!  Lots of people in my community are getting the sniffles, and I have been getting notices from school nurses and newscasters to get my flu shot and wash my hands.  Duly noted.  I want to stay healthy, and I‘m well aware that viruses can spread like wildfire.    But…

How to Tap Into the Energy of a Child

Have you ever looked at young child and thought, “I wish I had a fraction of the energy that kid has?”  Kids seem to have a never-ending supply of boundless energy from sun up to sun down.  My own two sons can barely sit still long enough to eat a proper meal, and when they…